Retired and Infirm Priests

Many elderly priests who have given their lives in service to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia now have health issues, physical disabilities, and need care and support. Both Villa Saint Joseph in Darby and Regina Coeli Residence in Warrington play important roles in the continuum of clerical life.

Villa St. Joseph

“I have been a priest for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for 52 years and pastor at Saint Paul’s Parish for 28 years. My parishioners mean so much to me; I consider them family. This is a vibrant parish where people live their sacraments every single day. Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Farm is a great example: they are on our parish grounds, and I could not think of a better way to see people living out their faith and leading by example. I enjoy my active ministry, and as my retirement approaches, I am hoping to still be of assistance to any parish in need.  If you ask any retired priest, the first thing they miss is the people. Many of my brother priests live at Villa Saint Joseph. These are priests who have served you, the people of the Archdiocese, their whole lives. The Catholic Charities Appeal helps support retired priests - a beautiful gift and heartfelt sign of our appreciation to God for the gift of His priesthood. The Appeal allows each one of us to honor God with our whole heart. The Appeal gives us the ability to live the Mass, to live our faith.”

–  Father Harry McCreedy, Pastor, 
St. Paul’s Catholic Church

Many elderly priests who have given their lives in service to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia now have health issues, physical disabilities, and need care and support. Both Villa Saint Joseph in Darby and Regina Coeli Residence in Warrington play important roles in the continuum of clerical life.

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