Giving Hope TO ALL 2025

This is how your donations are supporting CCA beneficiaries, of our $10 million goal…
54% Social Services
13% Evangelization
12% Special Education
11% Mission Parishes
10% Retired and Infirm Priests

Fundraising Goal:
$10 Million


Fundraising Goal:
$10 Million


Your Impact

“Did you know that 1 in 5 people across the Greater Philadelphia area rely on the Catholic Charities Appeal for help and hope each year?


They are our neighbors, and they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They are seeking comfort, support, and dignity in the face of challenges many of us cannot imagine. Your generosity touches their lives in profound ways because you embody Christ’s compassionate love and mercy by coming to their aid.


My recent pastoral letter, reflected on our shared call to renewal and to become Missionary Disciples. We are called to rebuild trust, extend Christ's love to those distant from the Church, and invite everyone into a deeper encounter with Him.


You are living out this mission through your support of the Catholic Charities Appeal—bringing hope to the vulnerable, comfort to the suffering, and light to those in darkness. Together, as Missionary Disciples, we can ensure that everyone in our community knows they have a home in the Church and that God loves them beyond measure.”


– Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
 Archbishop of Philadelphia


Our Impact

When you support the Catholic Charities Appeal you are helping:

  • Social Services: Last year, nearly 650,000 people were positively impacted by the work of Catholic Social Services and Nutritional Development Services.
  • Evangelization: Countless lives are touched through support provided by various ministries within the Secretariat for Evangelization, including the Office for Life and Family, the Office for Cultural Ministries, and the Office for Persons with Disabilities.
  • Special Education: The Schools of Special Education in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia provide a Christ-centered program to meet the individual needs of more than 140 students. One of these schools, St. Lucy, has the distinction of being the only Catholic school in the nation providing a unique program for children with visual impairments.
  • Mission Parishes: 22 Mission Parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are revitalizing and sustaining their community, including ministering to over 55,000 parishioners.
  • Retired and Infirm Priests: There are currently 131 retired priests within the Archdiocese who count on the support of the CCA.


Partners In Hope

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By donating $1 a day, you will support virtually every aspect of Catholic life for enrichment and improvement.

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Two women sitting at a table reading

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The Catholic Charities Appeal brings hope where hope is needed most. From center city, to the suburbs, from the suburban communities to our most distressed communities, almost a million people each year receive hope through the Catholic Charities Appeal.

A message from our Archbishop

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