
Gifts made to the Catholic Charities Appeal will provide support needed to tens of thousands of people through countless organizations, programs and ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Gifts made to the Catholic Charities Appeal will provide necessary support to tens of thousands of people. These individuals are served by an array of organizations, programs and ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Your donation to the Catholic Charities Appeal impacts those supported by numerous programs and organizations across the region.
The beneficiaries of the Catholic Charities Appeal are grouped into five key areas: Special Education, Social Services, Evangelization, Retired and Infirm Priests, and Local Mission Activities.
Gifts made to the Catholic Charities Appeal will provide support needed to tens of thousands of people through countless organizations, programs and ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
Catholic Special Education
- Saint Lucy School for Children with Visual Impairments
- Our Lady of Confidence Day School
- Saint Katherine School
social services
Nutritional Development Services
- Community Food Services (over 50 sites)
Family Service Centers
- Bucks County Family Service Center (Levittown)
- Martha’s Choice Marketplace (Norristown)
- Delaware County Family Service Center (Chester City)
- Casa del Carmen Family Service Center (North Philadelphia)
- Casa Academy Preschool
- The Cenacle at Padre Pio Center (Frankford)
- Northeast Philadelphia Service Center
- Southwest Philadelphia Service Center
- St. Agnes Outreach Services (West Chester)
- St. Rocco Parish Outreach (Avondale)
- St. Katherine Drexel Food & Clothing Cupboard (Chester City)
Out of School Time (OST) Programs
- 8 schools offering elementary and middle school aged youth programs and 1 high school offering afterschool and summer job programs
Immigration Legal Services
Refugee Resettlement Services
Housing & Homeless Services
- Mercy Hospice
- McAuley House
- Saint John’s Hospice
- Good Shepherd Program
- Guiding Star Ministries
- Visitation Homes
- 2 Women of Hope sites– Lombard Street & Vine Street
Project Rachel (Post-abortion Counseling
and Support)
Foster Care & Adoption Services
St. Francis & St. Vincent Homes
- 4 campus-based cottages and 2 community group homes
- High School Social Work in 5 Archdiocesan Schools
Catholic Housing and Community Services
- 7 senior housing facilities, 4 senior community centers, parish eldercare programs, in-home and senior club.
- St. Mary’s Residence
St. Edmond’s Home for Children
- 40 bed campus program
- 3 bed community group home
Communities of Don Guanella & Divine Providence
- 9 campus-based cottages and 12 community group home
- 12 community living arrangements and 70 Life Sharing Partners
- Day Programs, in-home services and respite care
Office for Life and Family
Office for Persons with Disabilities & the Deaf Apostolate (OPD & DA)
Office of Cultural Ministries
- Migrants and Refugees
- Hispanic Ministry
- Institute for Evangelization
- Office for Black Catholics
Retired and infirm Priests
Residences for Retired Priests
- Villa Saint Joseph
- Regina Coeli Residence for Priests
Mission Activities
Mission Parishes
- Divine Mercy, Philadelphia
- Our Lady of Hope, Philadelphia
- Sacred Heart, Oxford
- St. Anne, Philadelphia
- St. Barbara, Philadelphia
- St. Barnabas, Philadelphia
- St. Cyprian, Philadelphia
- St. Gabriel, Philadelphia
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, Philadelphia
- St. John the Evangelist, Philadelphia
- St. Katharine Drexel, Chester
- St. Laurence, Upper Darby
- St. Malachy, Philadelphia
- St. Martin de Porres, Philadelphia
- St. Martin of Tours, Philadelphia
- St. Rocco, Avondale
- St. Thomas Aquinas, Philadelphia
- St. Veronica, Philadelphia
If the Appeal raises over $10 million, these beneficiaries would receive support.
- Parish Support Services
- Catholic Philly / Communications
- Metropolitan Tribunal
- Newman Clusters / Centers
- Ecumenical and Inter-religious
- Office for the New Evangelization
- Office of Worship
- Office for Consecrated Life / Vicar for Religious
- Seminarian tuition
- Redemptoris Mater Seminary
- Vocation Office